
We contact gender-conscious, women artists who are from Asia, and whose activities are based in Asia or other countries. We ask them for their consent to post photos of their works, their statements and reviews.  For the latest updated information on the registered artists, please refer to their individual websites/social media pages linked to this site. We will also continue to update the page with new artists from countries that are not yet registered.

凡例/ Remarks
Caption of works
Title(italic), Year of creation, Technique, Size(height ×width ×depth), video(duration) , installation ( venue), the public collection, Photographer


中国 China

インド India


インドネシア Indonesia

日本 Japan

韓国 Korea

マレーシア Malaysia

ミャンマー Myanmar

ベトナム Vietnam

アジア以外の国 Countries Outside Asia

オーストラリア Australia

カナダ Canada

チェコ Czeck

デンマーク Denmark

フランス France

ドイツ Germany

スウェーデン Sweden

イギリス United Kingdam

アメリカ合衆国 U.S.A.

コレクティヴ Collective