エゴイメ・コレクティヴ egó eímai collective



egó eímai collective

「エゴイメ・コレクティヴ(egó eímai collective)」のエゴイメはギリシャ語で「わたしだよ。I am… 」を意味する。ひとりひとりが時代の一員であり、その集合体は社会全体を動かすことが出来るというメッセージを含んでいる。


2018年6月 松下、一条、小勝が集まって結成。以後メンバーを増やす。
2019年6月 「彼女たちは叫ぶ、ささやく―ヴァルネラブルな集合体が世界を変える」を東京都美術館ギャラリーBで開催
2020年2月 同展カタログを出版


The phrase “egó eímai” used in our collective name is Greek, meaning “I am…” It contains the message that each one of us is a member of the age we live in, and that the individuals as a collective can change the entire society.

We live in an unsettling period when disparities are growing in diverse areas, such as gender, sexuality, economy, race and religion. Our collective was established from feeling the necessity for artists to take on the role of delivering to our society flexible ideas that are free from biased views and fixed concepts. The egó eímai collective, which consists of loosely connected members, will exhibit new expressions in public spaces, such as galleries and museums, while also holding discussions and workshops with viewers and other groups that we can empathically connect with. Through our activities, we aim to inquire into problems that are commonly shared by “gender, minority, and women.”(Translated by Nanpei Taeko)

Found in June 2018.
In June 2019 they held the exhibition, The Shouts and Murmurs of Women-the Vulnerable Collective Will Change the World, at the gallery B in the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
In February 2020 they published the catalogue of the exhibition.

Members: ICHIJO Miyuki, Ito Tari, USUI Yui, KISHI Kaoru, HIRAI Yu, MATSUSHITA Seiko, WATABIKI Nobuko, Karin PISARIKOVA, KOKATSU Reiko


Please refer to the collective’s website/social media pages for new updates.



「彼女たちは叫ぶ、ささやく…」展展示風景 撮影:田村政実
From the Exhibition, The Shouts and Murmurs of Women…, photo by TAMURA Masami

左奥:綿引展子 2018-19年
右奥:岸かおる 2013-19年、カリン・ピサリコヴァ 2012-13年
Front: MATSUSHITA Seiko,The eve of the revolution, The eve of the revolution 2, 2018-19
Back Left : WATABIKI Nobuko 2018-19
Back Right: KISHI Kaoru 2013-19, Karin PISARIKOVA 2012-13


「彼女たちは叫ぶ、ささやく…」展展示風景 撮影:田村政実
From the Exhibition, The Shouts and Murmurs of Women…, photo by TAMURA Masami

手前:一条美由紀《私の中に居るあなた あなたたちのなかに居る私》2018-19年
Front: ICHIJO Miyuki, You are inside of me and I’m in you, 2018-19