イー・イラン YEE I-Lann

《メジャ》2018年  竹による織物 カユ・ツバル黒染め天然染料 ポリ塩化ビニル接着剤 126×171cm
MEJA, 2018, Split bamboo pus weave, Kayu Tuber black natural dye, Clear PVC glue, 126×171cm  


YEE I-Lann




Yee I-Lann (b. 1971, Kota Kinabalu) currently lives and works in Kota Kinabalu in the Malaysian Borneo state of Sabah. Her primarily photomedia-based practice engages with archipelagic Southeast Asia’s turbulent history with works addressing issues of colonialism and neo-colonialism, power, and the impact of historic memory in social experience, often with particular focus on counter-narrative “histories from below”. She employs a complex, multi-layered visual vocabulary drawn from historical references, popular culture, archives, and everyday objects. She has in recent years started working collaboratively with sea-based and land-based communities and indigenous mediums in Sabah. She is a co-founding associate of The Ricecooker Archives: Southeast Asian Rock ‘n’ Roll Treasury with her partner Joe Kidd and has worked as a production designer in the Malaysian film industry. She is currently a Board member for Forever Sabah and Tamparuli Living Arts Center (TaLAC), both based in Sabah.


Please refer to the gallery’s website and the artist’s social media for new updates.




展示風景 個展「ZIGAZIG ah!」(2019-2020年) シルバーレンズ・ギャラリー、フィリピン・マニラ
Installation View at the solo show, ZIGAZIG ah! 2019-2020, Silverlens Gallery, Manila, Philippines


また「テーブル/table」は英語で慣用句としてよく用いられ、しばしば権力や意思決定の場を意味するが、可能にする者/力を与える者の意で用いられることもある。at the table 「席に着く」、to table something 「審議を延期する」、under the table 「やみ取引で/こっそりと」、crumbs from the rich man’s table 「不公平な分配」、lay cards on the table「手の内を明かす」、put food on the table「食べていけるように稼ぐ」、take something off the table「議題から外す」、turn the tables「形成を逆転させる」などの例がある。

(イー・イラン   アーティスト・ステートメント)


A table on a mat can be eaten by the mat, like a stone by paper in rock scissors paper, my open hand encloses your closed fist. The table in the mat takes a shape, a presence, a haunting. The mat and the table become portals to other journeys across time. 
Historically and traditionally we didn’t really have tables (or chairs) in theNusantaraMalay speaking archipelago. The closest objects resembling a table was the raised platform, pelamin, on which a Sultan sat in an elevated position (on a mat), or an elevated tray dulang usually containing betelnut paraphernalia for an elite person or for wedding gifts. Private and public affairs, certainly for indigenous groups, were usually carried out sitting on a mat on the ground. This is still the habit. 
In my contemporary experience in Sabah, I have come to equate the table less with knowledge than with the violence of administrative power: the census, education curriculum, national cultural policies, the tender of commerce, subjugating people to be literally beneath the table of power and exercised control. 
The table is also a common idiom used in the English language often synonymous with power and decision making; sometimes as an enabler: at the table; to table something; under the table; crumb’s from the rich man’s table; lay cards on the table; put food on the table; take something off the table; turn the tables. 
The Malay word for table is meja from the Portuguese mesa. 

(YEE I-Lann, Artist Statement )



《テーブルについた(フル・セット)》 2013年  50枚の縁取りのついた陶器の平皿 (表面にデカール印刷、裏面に商標付き)サイズ可変(直径28cmの皿×50枚)
Tabled(full set), 2013, 50 ceramic rimmed flat plates with digital decal prints and back-stamp, Size Variable (50 plates, 28cm Diameter each) 



(イー・イラン   アーティスト・ステートメント)


Tabled was commissioned for the exhibitionSuspended Historiesat Museum Van Loon,Amsterdam,and is currently on display in the dining room of the house,still owned by the family of Willem van Loon,founder of the Dutch East-India Company in 1602. The 50 ceramic plates printed with blue and white decal are laid out on the table in this room,which is still used to entertain heads of state and other dignitaries. 
“Mostly I just wanted to bring Orang Biasa (ordinary peopleinto this space of the Orang Besar the family home of founders of the colonial period in Indonesian history. I wanted to bring the cosmopolitan urban street into this private space of the elite”. 
The people on the plates are photographed on the streets of Indonesia and Malaysia. These people carry the weight of history with them but are also conduits of the future and zombies of the now and circumstance. Everything that has happened,all connections in some manner still continue to have reverberations. The people are placed on an invisible horizon line that connects all the plate scenarios this keeps perspective weighted. There is continuity in everything. 

(YEE I-Lann, Artist Statement ) 


《偉人シリーズ:カイン・パンジャンと寄生するケパラ (3点組のうちの1点) 》2010年 デジタルCプリント 82×180cm
The Orang Besar Series: Kain Panjang with Parastic Kepala (set of 3), 2010, Digital c-type print, 82×180cm


《偉人シリーズ:うつろう世界》2010年 ミマキデジタル・インクジェット、酸性染料、ろうけつ・藍染、絹 129.5×284cm
The Orang Besar Series: Fluid World, 2010, Direct digital mimaki inkjet print with acid dye, Batik crackle Japanese Ai natural indigo dye on 100% silk twill, 129.5×284cm





(イー・イラン   アーティスト・ステートメント)



The Orang Besar Series is set on the seas of the Southeast Asian archipelago. In this geography, dominated by a history of maritime trade, the horizon brought new possibilities and influencing forces that, by its flow of traffic, disallowed an insular bordering. Land mass, as marker of this corridored territory, has been stained and shaped by the traffic that has rubbed its porous edges. The story takes place in no particular period. Time lattices back and forth with the ebbing of tides and monsoons suturing history and current commentary unhindered by habits of linear reading.

The keepers of the Southeast Asian archipelago have long been the Sultans and their henchmen: the Orang Besar. It was the Orang Besar that described the nature of Southeast Asia’s political and economic structures that had both centrifugal and centripetal mandala-like dynamics including distant trade and migration, shifting centers and peripheries. Real power and influence often lay in far-reaching entrepôts controlled by the Orang Besar. The temperament of these Orang Besar structures, the body politic, continues to the present despite colonial influence that has been absorbed into classical forms of rule and control. The vertical bondage between persons, notions of obligation and patronage, critical to classical power structures, remains. Orang Besar (lit. Big Person) is a common term throughout the Southeast Asian archipelago dating back centuries, denoting a person of elite socio-political-economic standing in a community, a man of prowess. The term is interchangeable with Orang Kaya (lit. Rich Person). The term can also be interchangeable with the title Dato or Datuk and can also be made in reference to a Sultan. Traditionally, the wealth and influence of a man was measured not by how much land he owed, or by the quantity of livestock or ships he possessed, but by the number of persons dependent upon him. The control of people and access to labour was considered to be the source of power, thus measure of wealth and influence.

Those strongmen asserted their control over their localities with powers to ‘tax’ in a monopoly over trade, ‘toll’ within transportation routes and ‘dividends’ collected from revenue generating activities and market centers. Their dependents provided an ability to protect and defend these resources. The Orang Besar were themselves often under obligation or indebted to a higher power within this structure whom they had to pay tribute to. A regional Sultan would grant favour to them in return for continued patronage, a percentage of the takings and their loyalty. The poor or the weak found security and opportunity in being bonded to an Orang Besar who could protect them and would in turn be obligated to their needs.

Early Western trades encountered many local pirates throughout the Southeast Asian seas who would often rob the European ships of cargo, murder, and cause mayhem. Often these accused local pirates were the Bugis or Orang Laut who were famed and feared as warriors of the Sultanates and Orang Besar. Their traditional trading routes were exactly those that the Western Empires aspired to and eventually dominated, subjugating the local populace to their European systems of governance and trade. I see these acts of local piracy as defensive pre-colonial resistance and in Western terminology an act of privateering for the local Sultanates and Orang Besar. The Orang Besar continues to be a major character in Southeast Asia’s political and economic narrative.

(YEE I-Lann, Artist Statement )