ひらいゆう HIRAI Yu


《フタアカリ No.22》2017年 写真 発色現像方式印画 60×60cm
Entre Chien et Loup et après, No.22, 2017, Chromogenic print, 60×60cm




写真、ドローイングや油絵など、いろいろなメデイアで制作してきましたが、根底にあるのは<境界>というテーマです。 私にとって境界とは物事を単純に分けてしまう線ではなく、現代社会においての様々な論争点に広く及ぶ、曖昧な領域を意味します。このようなグレイゾーンの視点から世界を観察する事によって、世の中に見え隠れする、愛憎、期待、別離、従属、支配そして所有欲などの様々な人間模様とエモーションを作品に表現し、織り込んでいきます。


彼の境遇を理解するようになって、国籍や人種など人間が作ってきた境界は、自分自身のあり方を考える上において、確かに影響を受けることは避け難いですが、それ自体主要な要素ではないことに気付きました。私にとって本当の意味のアイデンティティーとは何か、そして人間とは何か、私の人生を通してたゆみなく深く考えていきたい問いです。父の事情を考える事がきっかけで、平等ではない、不条理な人間社会の問題を、より深く敏感に感じるようになりました。そしてこれに対する怒りと悲しみが制作活動の大変重要な原動力ともなって います。




Born in Tokyo, Japan, 1963. Lives and works in Paris, France

The ‘Frontier’ has been the main subject of my work across different media, as drawing, oil painting or analogue photography, but it means more to me than a simple line dividing two worlds. I see a frontier as a zone of ambiguity which cuts across many controversial issues of our time. Observing human being in these grey frontier zones, my art works express different patterns of human existence and emotions such as love-hate, hope, separation, dependency, domination and possession etc.

In the early 1980s, at the age of twenty, I left Japan for Europe. As I prepared the necessary papers to study abroad, my mother revealed to me that my father was not in fact Japanese. His parents were Koreans who had emigrated to Japan during the period of colonization, most likely in the 1920s. Although born and raised in Japan, my father was deprived of his Japanese nationality after the defeat of Japan in 1945 and the return to independence of Korea. Having chosen to stay in the country where he grew up, he lived stateless until the end of his life.

As I came to understand his situation, I realized that the constructed frontiers of race or nationality are not important to me. This became the main question in my life: what does ‘identity’ really mean for me? And what is a human being? My father’s story made me think deeply about the problem of an unequal and absurd society. This also became the most important force in my creative work.



Please refer to the artist’s website/social media pages for new updates.


《椅子の下》2020年 墨、水彩、ガッシュ、紙 78×57cm
Under the chairs, 2020, Chinese ink, Watercolour, Gouache on on paper, 78×57cm



《流れ》 2020年 油彩、キャンバス 24×18cm
The flow, 2020, Oil painting on canvas, 24×18cm



《少女/女》 2017年 水彩、紙 61×45.5cm
Girl/Woman, 2017, Watercolour on paper, 61×45.5cm