ホン・ヨンイン HONG Young In

《アン・スプリッティング》2019年 パフォーマンス 30-40分  Stephanie Scheubeckと15人の参加者と協働 韓国国立近現代美術館ソウル館 
Un-Splitting  2019   Performance, Collaboration with Stephanie Scheubeck & 15 participants, MMCA Seoul Performance duration: 30-40 mins,  Photo: courtesy of MMCA and the artist


HONG Young In








Born in Seoul, Korea, 1972 and Lives and works in Bristol, The United Kingdom.


Young In Hong is a visual artist working across the mediums of textile, drawing, installation, sound and performance. In her work, unique inventions in sound and movement combine in new ways with investigations of the image; its history and its reinvention. This can be seen in the way she incorporates found images that document the human cost of Korean modernisation in the movement of living bodies and in how her textile work invents new iconographies for our time. She is interested in the potential of the artistic sensibility to uncover stories hidden underneath the surface and traverse different languages to propagate a shared sense of ‘equality’ that cuts across generations, nationality and species.

Despite sewing being traditionally a domestic craft, Young In is exploring it as an innovative art technique. The fact that the embroidery and patchwork is carried out by both machine and hand is a further means to reinterpret third world female labour through an artistic expression. In Young In’s textile practice, there is an underlying question regarding practices and conditions in the global textile industry and its economic hierarchy. For her performances, Young In works in collaboration with art institutions, performing artists as well as young women.

Young In has been nominated for the Korea Artist Prize in 2019, has presented work at among other institutions; Kunsthal Extra City, Antwerp (2023), Seoul Museum of Art (2022), the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul (2019), the Korean Cultural Centre, London (2017), Turner Contemporary, Margate (2017), fig-2 at ICA London (2015) and Block Universe Festival (2017).


Please refer to the following artist’s website and social media pages for new updates.





《踊りましょう》 2014年(ソウル)、2016年(パリ)、2017年(ブリストル) パフォーマンス 20分  Carlie Boogie, Janice Bieleu, Kenza Amara, Scarnik & Sarahi Guamanと協働 
Let Us Dance , 2014 (Seoul)/2016(Paris)/2017(Bristol), Performance, Collaboration with Carlie Boogie, Janice Bieleu, Kenza Amara, Scarnik & Sarahi Guaman, Duration: approx. 20 mins.
Let Us Dance in 2016 was introduced as part of South Korea Guest of Honour, Art Paris Art Fair at Grand Palais, Paris 2016




《鳥の肖像を描くために》2019年 インスタレーション 金属の籠、ビデオ映像、木、さまざまな布、編み物用糸、銅パイプ、ケーブル、プラスティックのボール、電球、10スピーカーと5チャンネルのサウンド 韓国芸術家賞2019展 韓国国立近現代美術館ソウル館
To Paint the Portrait of a Bird , 2019 , Installation, Metal cage, video projection, wood, various fabric, yarn, copper pipes, cable, plastic balls, light bulbs, sound played through 10 speakers and 5 channels, Korea Artist Prize Exhibition 2019, MMCA, Seoul   Photo : Courtesy of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea & the Artist



《カラフルな滝と星々》2021年 銅パイプ、3つのガラスのボール、さまざまな布、ゴム、木、電気ケーブル、3つのLEDランプ 215×220×40 cm 
A Colourful Waterfall and the Stars , 2021, Copper Pipe, 3 glass balls, various fabric, rubber, wood, electric cable, and 3 LED lamps, 215 x 220 x 40 cm  Photo: Courtesy PKM Gallery & the Artist



《織られたものとこだまするもの》 2021年 布 204× 292 cm
Woven and Echoed, 2021, Fabric, 204 x 292 cm  Photo: Courtesy of PKM Gallery & the Artist