オノデラユキ ONODERA Yuki

《古着のポートレート No.4》1994年 ゼラチンシルバープリント 115×115cm
Portrait of Second-hand Clothes, No.4, 1994, Gelatin silver print, 115×115cm






しかし、ここで私は写真が発明されて間もない頃を想像してみたい。カメラという光学器械で目の前の現象を平坦に定着させる、または自分の姿を写真を介して眺める。こんな行為は極めて奇妙な経験ではなかったか? この最初の「奇妙さ」とは何なのかを探求することも私が写真にこだわる理由のひとつである。
カメラの中の空洞にガラス玉を入れて群衆を撮影し、外界の現象のみならずカメラの存在そのものにも意識を向けさせたシリーズ〈How to make a Pearl〉。場所のリアリティーを記録するという写真的な行為をあえて切り落とし、土地の名前だけに集点を当て、さらには撮影行為の主体である写真家の自己意識とその存在をも否定した〈Roma_Roma〉シリーズ。隠しカメラで不特定人物を撮影し、フォトグラムの手法で肝心要の顔を隠してしまい肖像と肖像権への問いをも浮上させた〈Eleventh Finger〉シリーズ。その他多くの作品でも、私は制作の過程で色々な仕掛けを設け、私たちがよく知っている「写真」というメディアの見慣れない顔が現れることを試みている。
そして私はいま「はたして私たちは写真の発明以前の世界まで遡ることができるか? そんな事件を写真というメディアを使いながら現出させることが出来るだろか?」という、ちょっとSF小説家じみたことに興味をもっている。

text:オノデラユキ 2013年11月



Born in Tokyo, Japan, 1962. Established a studio in Paris, France, 1993 and began to work internationally.


Non-Photographic Photography?

“Singular”, “enigmatic”, “extremely original”, “mysterious” and “strange” are the terms used to describe my works wherever they are displayed. Whether the show is held in Japan, France, the United States or China, the critics use words like these every time. It is obviously not my intention to produce “Strange” works. In fact, their strangeness is not of an aesthetic nature but emanates from every aspect of my images, probably deriving from my approach to the discipline and the complex reaction triggered by such an approach.
  Nowadays photographic and video images tend to become the single reality of our world. We are constantly bombarded by countless visual stimuli that flash past our eyes at dizzying speed. The glut of images—sometimes sent by relatives or complete strangers—that we look at engulfs our experiences and personal memories. But this doesn’t stop us from thinking that these images are as normal as the air we breathe.
For my part, I try to evoke in my work the situation that existed when photography had just been invented. Optical devices like the camera were used to fix the surrounding phenomena in two dimensions and we contemplated ourselves through photography. Were these not strange experiences in the mid-nineteenth century? Indeed, one of the things that interests me most
is determining exactly what the “strangeness” of photography’s origins consists in.
To shoot the series How to Make a Pearl I inserted a glass marble in the camera before taking photos of people on the street: the idea was to show viewers the exterior reality while at the same time making them conscious of the camera’s presence. In Roma Roma I wholly rejected the practice of taking photos of a place simply to document it. I also sought to negate the will and consciousness of the photographer as the subject of the photographic act, by basing the image solely on the random similarity between two place-names.
In Eleventh Finger I reflected on the portrait genre and the right to one’s own image by photographing unknown individuals unseen and creating snapshots in which I rendered their faces anonymous through the rayogram technique. In the majority of my works I seek to alter the way in which the very familiar medium of photography is viewed, through the various devices I use in the creative process.
At present I am particularly interested in the kind of problems that a sci-fi writer has to contend with: can we return to the world that existed before photography was invented? And is it possible to rediscover that period through the photographic medium?

Yuki Onodera, November 2013


Please refer to the artist’s website for new updates.




《真珠のつくり方 No.23》2000年 ゼラチンシルバープリント 210×150cm
How to make a Pearl, No.23, 2000, Gelatin silver print, 210×150cm



《11番目の指 No.9》2006年 ゼラチンシルバープリント 96×81cm
Eleventh Finger, No.9, 2006, Photogram and photography on gelatin silver print, 96×81cm 



《Muybridge’s Twist, No.3》2015年 チャコール クレヨン ゼラチンシルバープリント カンヴァスにコラージュ 289×211cm
Muybridge’s Twist, No.3, 2015, Charcoal, Crayon, Photography (gelatin silver print), Collage on canvas, 289×211cm


All photos credit: ONODERA Yuki