石内 都 ISHIUCHI Miyako

《ひろしま#9 Donor: Ogawa, R.》2007年、発色現像方式印画
ひろしま/hiroshima #9, Donor: Ogawa, R., 2007, Chromogenic print


石内  都

1947年、群馬県桐生市生まれ 桐生に在住、東京、桐生で活動








Born in Kiryu, Gunma, Japan, 1947. Lives in Kiryu and works in Kiryu and Tokyo.


Memories Soaring into the Sky

    I print a photograph as though I’m dyeing or weaving it. The experience ofthrilling to the images emerging through the developer, tracking the grains asthough I could count each one, wound up becoming happy memories.
    My debut trilogy, Yokosuka Story, Apartment, and Endless Night, are myvery own skin, born in the darkroom. As black and white grains on the endlessmonochrome scale rise up, the shaded grains bind themselves into an image thatI physically capture. Monochrome is an invented palette, a colorless world thatcan never be seen by the human eye. Its expanse is as stimulating as a flower blossoming in the garden of my imagination. Nevertheless, I found myself moving on from monochrome to color.
    The catalyst was my mother’s death. I photographed the things she left behindfrom the objective distance of another female human being. When I opened myselfto that reality before me, color entered my vision. Mother’sbecame the photos onthe border crossing from monochrome into color. Now that all my photographssince Mother’shave become color, memories are resurrected in color.
    Quietly concealed in the fold of a one-piece dress, once worn by a younggirl from Hiroshima, I came across a patch of vivid color. In that moment, thegirl from Hiroshima taught me that her dress embodies a history that can neverbecome the past; an accumulation of time, steeped in dye, that physically exists inparallel time with me.

    The girl’s body no longer exists but the memory of the fabric she left behindsoars up into the sky, enticed by the star of memory that may exist somewherein the universe, composed of grains that once were Frida and my mother and all of the people who have died on this earth. I pray that a star of memory existssomewhere in the universe, as another form of eternity.  

Extract from ISHIUCHI Miyako, “Memories Soaring into the Sky”,GRAIN AND IMAGE (Exh. Cat.),  YOKOHAMA MUSEUM OF ART, 2017 (Translated by Linda Hoaglund)


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《Frida by Ishiuchi #34》2012年、発色現像方式印画
Frida by Ishiuchi #34, 2012, Chromogenic print




《Mother’s #39》2002年、発色現像方式印画
Mother’s #39, 2002, Chromogenic print



《Innocence #34》2005年、ゼラチンシルバープリント
Innocence #34, 2005,  Gelatin silver print


All photos credit : ISHIUCHI Miyako