中谷ミチコ NAKATANI Michiko

Photo by MATSUBARA Yutaka
Born in 1981, Tokyo, Japan. Lives and works in Mie, Japan.
Nakatani Michiko predominantly adopts three methods in producing her works. Namely, improvisational drawing that uses pencil and watercolors; three-dimensional work that uses clay and plaster; and relief work that utilizes plaster and resin. In particular, the plaster/resin reliefs are created through a method unique to Nakatani.
According to Nakatani, who mainly studied human clay-figure sculpture at an art university, she “discovered” the techniques she currently utilizes in 2007. From that time, she has continued to go through the trial-and-error process, adopting those new techniques in her works. She first creates a form with modeling clay that is placed on a molding board leaned against a wall. When the model is complete, she places the board sideways on the floor. She then adds an edge around the model and pours plaster into it. When it dries, she scrapes out the clay and either directly applies pigment to the cavity, after which she pours transparent resin, or pours colored resin into the cavity without applying any pigment. When the resin hardens, she completes the work by polishing the surface till it is smooth. During the process of replacing one material after another, the initial model clay produced by the artist’s own hands disappears, while the part that has become hollow is filled with a different material (resin). Although traces of the clay model still remain, we are unable to touch that place because of the distance created by the resin. In the case when colored resin is poured into the cavity, the deeper the distance is from the surface, the more unreachable the light becomes, with the color becoming darker and darker. In the process of creating the mold and pouring resin into the cavity, the part of the clay model that was at the very forefront is reversed to being in a place where our vision is unreachable. Nakatani refers to this state as an “absent sculpture.” It is as if she is paradoxically proving that the work exists here in this place by not showing it as a visible mass before the viewer’s eyes.
Her plaster/resin reliefs up until that time were limited to the inside of a square frame, similar to a painting. Hence, they served as “windows” that could freely go back and forth between two-dimensional and three-dimensional boundaries, and between the presence and absence of existences. However, in recent years, she has originated several other variations using the same techniques—namely, a form in which the shape of the motif itself is cut out, and one in which five planes are assembled into a cubic form. In one series of her early works, a partially colored motif was confined inside transparent resin, which looked as if it was protected by solid resin. By contrast, in another series in which she poured black-colored resin into the mold, the deeper the bottom of the mold was, the darker the color became, taking the viewer’s mind into deeper thoughts. But her works would soon drastically change to reveal a surface that regained a sense of brightness. Then, in parallel with this version, there appeared her black cubic work, which looked as if pieces of darkness had been cut out.
Nakatani’s recent works differ from her early ones in that they have all been released from frames; thus, they convey a stronger sense of existence as three-dimensional works. The motifs themselves are illuminated by light and come to the fore, while at the same time, the viewers trying to see that sight feel as if they have melted into the resin. Thus, they are unable to capture the entity even though it is there before their eyes—the more they try to come closer to the existence of the sculpture, the further away it goes.
A space similar to a black hole that swallows all things stretches inside Nakatani’s sculpture. While the distance between the work and the viewer draws closer and closer, the space that envelops the two sides stretches boundlessly. The microcosm that Nakatani Michiko originates will continue to gently wrap the viewers and will continue to expand endlessly.
HARA Maiko, Curator, Mie Prefectural Art Museum
(Translated by NANPEI Taeko)
Please refer to the artist’s website for new updates.
NANAWATA中谷ミチコ展トーク抄録 「絵画と彫刻のあいだ・気配のありか」 ゲスト:蔵屋美香(横浜美術館館長)CAFE&SPACE NANAWATA 2021年12月5日
「未来を担う美術家たち 20th DOMANI・明日展」での展示風景 国立新美術館 2018年 撮影:若林勇人
手前左:《空が動く》2017年 彫刻(レリーフ)/石膏、透明樹脂、顔料、鉄、麻 83×163×8 cm 手前右:《Boat》2015年 彫刻/樹脂石膏・鉄、42×110×32 cm
Installation view of Group show, “20th DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow” , The National Art Center, Tokyo, 2018
Photo by WAKABAYASHI Hayato
Front left: The sky moves, 2017, Sculpture (Relief)/Plaster, transparent resin, pigment, iron, hemp 83×163×8 cm Front right: Boat, 2015, Sculpture/Plaster, iron 42×110×32 cm