Timeline Project


Timeline Project

Timeline Projectは、“女性”を中心にしたタイムラインの作成と、一般公募によって集めた女性アーティストの情報の編集によって、「女性アーティスト」と呼ばれる人々の活動を可視化する作業を行っている。活動を通しイベントを開催、ジェンダーの視点から美術史を再読することで、今を生きる女性アーティストのさらなるエンパワーメント、そしてさまざまな分野の人々とのシブリングフッドの構築を目指す。

2018年11月 アメリカ・サンフランシスコにて一時滞在中であった長倉友紀子と渡辺泰子が出会う。多方面での情報交換、リサーチを協働。2019年3月 渡辺が日本に帰国したタイミングでプロジェクトを始動。

2019年12月 TOKAS本郷のOpen SITE 2019の採択を受け、2日間に渡るイベント「WOMANS ARTISTS and HISTORY」を実施し、多数のゲストとともにトークイベントを開催。


Timeline Project has been visualizing activities of artists called “Female Artist” by using the following methods: (1) Making timeline which focuses mainly upon women artists, (2) Gathering information; “Female Artists You Recommend/Want to Add to the Timeline” from a public call for submissions. As one of their activities, the project holds events to re-read an existing art history from a gender perspective to empower women artists who live in today.

They also aim to build a siblinghood with people from different disciplines.

In November 2018, NAGAKURA Yukiko and WATANABE Yasuko, are artists, encountered in San Francisco while they were doing short-term research individually. At that time, they exchanged various information concerns about gender issues and shared experiences as female artists. In the following spring, Yasuko went back to her base, Tokyo, and they started the project. In December 2019, they were allowed to hold a two-day event,“WOMANS Artist and History” at the Tokyo Arts And Space. Those were successfully organized by inviting many women artists and researchers. In March 2020, KAJIWARA Azumi, an organizer of project space “Teate,” join the project. The members based in Berlin and Tokyo; they have been trying to develop the project worldwide.

メンバー Members

長倉友紀子 NAGAKURA Yukiko,  渡辺泰子 WATANABE Yasuko,  梶原あずみ KAJIWARA Azumi


Please refer to the collective’s website for new updates.



「Rejection Limpet」は「Timeline Project」のアナグラム(文字や単語を入れ替えて、新しい言葉を作る言葉遊び、もしくはそれによって出来た言葉。)です。「Limpet / カサ貝」はその特性から、「なにかにずっとしがみつくことや、その行為」または「権力的なものにしがみつく」ことの隠喩としても使われます。 Timeline Projectは、このアナグラム「Rejection Limpet / カサ貝の拒否」を基に、プロジェクトのシンボルとしてカサ貝を選びました。

“ Rejection Limpet ” is an anagram of “Timeline Project.” The word “Limpet” describes clinging to power as a metaphor. TP decided to use the term “Rejection Limpet” as their statement that is “We do not cling to power,” and created the image as their symbol.


Tokyo Arts and SpaceのOpen SITE 2019の採択を受け、2日間にわたるイベント「WOMANS ARTISTS and HISTORY」を実施。会場にTimeline Projectが作成したタイムラインと、一般募集によって集められた女性アーティストの情報を掲示。写真は展示されたタイムラインの一部。

イベント: TALK EVENT 1「私たちが読む軌跡とその収集」 2019年12月6日(金)、トーキョーアーツアンドスペース(TOKAS)本郷  Space A (1F)  撮影: bozzo、写真提供 : トーキョーアーツアンドスペース

On December 6th and 7th, 2019, Timeline Project (TP) held a two-day event; “WOMEN Artists and History” at the Tokyo Arts and Space. It realized by support from the Open Site 2019 program. TP exhibited two sorts of timelines at the venue that are (1) created based on existing art history, and (2) added information about female artists gathered by a public call. The timeline on the photo was shown at the venue.

Event: TALK EVENT 1 Archives: read by ourselves, 6th December 2019 (Fri), Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo Space A (1F),  Photo by: bozzo, Photo courtesy : Tokyo Arts and Space