稲垣智子 INAGAKI Tomoko
《Decalcomanie》 2018年 ヴィデオ・インスタレーション 映像、鏡
Decalcomanie, 2018, Video installation, video, mirror
高嶋慈(美術・舞台芸術批評)「Project ‘Mirrors’ 稲垣智子個展:はざまをひらく」カタログより一部抜粋・加筆、京都芸術センター、2013年
Born in 1975, Kishiwada, Osaka, Japan. Lives and works in Osaka.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, video installation artist Tomoko Inagaki has represented images of women who are trapped in repetitive acts due to their obsession with the euphoria of consumer society and how they are seen through men’s eyes. Through portraying women in such states of obsession, Inagaki reveals a sense of disorientation, weird distortion and the dormant potential of violence in superficial beauty and pleasure. In her recent work, she exploits the rhetoric of moving images and has effectively devised a process in which (seemingly) identical acts and images are repeated over and over again, gradually transforming into something dissimilar.
As is observed in these examples, Inagaki’s work foregrounds ‘a space in-between’ by focusing on the unclear boundaries of dualisms like true/false, real/fake, artificial/natural, passive/positive and self/other. Therefore, her work has the critical power to destabilise fixed ideas and common sense, and to invite the spectators to reconsider concepts of everyday life which are deeply ingrained within them. The scope of her work even reaches the constitution of Japanese society, which whilst apparently homogeneous, is revealed here as being divided into numerous categories separated through subtle differences. Inagaki’s work allows the audience to share the questions it poses through her response to society as a woman. Her work presents in a form of video installation, which is precisely planned, an opportunity for the spectators to go adrift the gap in a realm that is neither truth nor fiction.
Megumi Takashima (art and drama critic), Project “Mirrors” Tomoko Inagaki solo exhibition:Opening Up a Space In-between, Extract of a part of the text from the catalog and some addition, Kyoto Art Center, 2013
(Translated by SHOJI Moe, Erin REVELL )
Please refer to the artist’s website for new updates.

《発酵をよむ》 2019年 ヴィデオ・インスタレーション ミクストメディア、コラボレーション:井上明彦、藤枝守
Reading Fermentation, 2019, Video installation, Mixed media, Collaboration with FUJIEDA Mamoru and INOUE Akihiko
《Forcing House》 2013年 ヴィデオ・インスタレーション 映像、温室、マジックミラー、観葉植物、プラスティック製植物、ライト 撮影:増田好郎
Forcing House, 2013, Video installation, Video, Greenhouse, One-way mirror, Plant, Artificial plant, The light Photo by MASUDA Yoshiro
《最後のデザート》 2001年 ヴィデオ・インスタレーション 映像、お菓子、ガラステーブル、食品添加物、原色ドライフラワー 撮影:増田好郎
The Last Dessert, 2001, Video installation, Video, Cakes and sweets, Glass table, Food additives, True-color dried flower Photo by MASUDA Yoshiro