大坪 美穂 OHTSUBO Miho

《黒いミルク》 2008年 古布、古着、鉛 サイズ可変 高知県香美市立美術館 撮影:上杉敬
Black Milk 2008 old cloth, used cloth, lead Size variable, Kami City Art Museum, Kochi Photo by UESUGI Kei







 今日は黒い日、空は黒、海は黒、庭は黒・・・   (ヌーラ・ニー・ゴーノル 詩「黒」 大野光子訳) 



ヌーラのこの詩に導かれる様に、戦禍で失くなった人々の無念の思いと残されたものの悲しみを母への思いと重ね合わせ「Silent Voice」の作品が生まれた。 





Silent Voice」の布玉は「黒いミルク」作品に展開されていく。 





 「大坪美穂 黒いミルク——北極光・この世界の不屈の詩——」展図録より抜粋 p.12 武蔵野市立吉祥寺美術館、2024年  


「かけがえのない詩 ―大坪美穂について」                                                                滋野佳美


「大坪美穂 黒いミルク—北極光・この世界の不屈の詩―」展図録より一部抜粋、pp.47-48、武蔵野市立吉祥寺美術館、2024 年

1) 大坪美穂「『海界』に祈りをこめて」、「大坪美穂展―海界―」展覧会図録、香美市立美術館、2008年。
2) ヴィクトール・E・フランクル著/霜山徳爾訳『夜と霧 ドイツ強制収容所の体験記録』、みすず書房、1961年、pp.186-187。




Born in Hokkaido, Japan, 1945. Lives and Works in Tokyo.


On the Aurora Borealis 

                                                                                                                       OHTSUBO Miho 

 A black day, this. The sky is black. The sea is black. The gardens are black… 
(Poem Black by Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill, English translation by Paul Muldoon) 

 In the midst of my feeling a deep sense of loss for my mother, I dyed the clothes she left behind in black, and then tore them to create cloth balls, so as to enclose my prayer for the repose of her soul. 

As if being guided by this poem by Ní Dhomhnaill, my work Silent Voice came into existence through superimposing my feelings for my mother with the regrettable feeling of those who lost their lives in the ravages of war and the sorrows of those they left behind. 

Another poet, Paul Celan, who survived the Holocaust, wrote the poem Death Fugue 

The world that was manifested within me through my encounter with this poem was one where prisoners of the concentration camp stood in a line, clad in old clothing with lead number plates, deprived of their own names and individualities. 

Their voiceless voices were heard in a polyphonic manner. 

The cloth balls found in Silent Voice were further developed in Black Milk. 

Why do I always adopt darker aspects of humanity as my themes? 

The sight of the rusty-colored ruins from the war that I saw as a child; the townscape with the endless rows of shacks; and the many disabled soldiers. 

The support braces, the casts, and the prosthetic eyes, hands and legs; the sound of an accordion. 

I aspire to continue giving shapes to our anxieties, sorrows and hopes that derive from living in the present day, while also bearing my inner landscape that has been engraved into my memory. 

 This text is excerpted from a catalog of the exhibition Miho Ohtsubo: Black Milk: The Northern LightsThis World’s Indomitable Poem, Kichijoji Art Museum, 2024, p.13 (Translated by NANPEI Taeko) . 


“Irreplaceable Poem: On Miho Ohtsubo”                                                               

                                                                                                                      SHIGENO Yoshimi

Ohtsubo elucidated, “As a person who expresses myself through art, I give shape to our anxiety, agony and hope of living in the present time. By doing so, my aim is to confirm the reality that I myself am also alive.” (1) Via the works of Ohtsubo, we the viewers come to face the “reality” of our own lives—that is, no one else’s reality but the one that exists within one’s own context. A person who has overcome his/her own grief knows that he/she possesses “an inherent nature that is not interchangeable with others, which means one is irreplaceable.” (2) This will thus enable one to understand the meaning of the lives of others. Upon a closer view of Black Milk, the viewer will notice that despite each and every human figure being deprived of a name, they all continue to exist as “irreplaceable” individuals.
The sight that the viewers would look back at as they leave the room would no longer be the same as the one they saw when they stepped into the space.
The first half of the year 2024 is about to end, but the global situation is becoming more and more chaotic. The “black milk” that appears in Celan’s poem is not about the past. For no one can say for certain that the “black aurora” will not cover the entire world hereafter.
Nonetheless, we must not lose hope while living in the reality of the present and must believe in the tomorrow. And the fact that each one of us is “irreplaceable” means that no weapon of any kind can extinguish our existences. That is to say, the message delivered through the works of Miho Ohtsubo is that every one of our existences itself is an “indomitable poem.”
1)  Miho Ohtsubo, “A Prayer for Unasaka,” Miho Ohtsubo: Unasaka (Kami Museum of Art, 2008), exhibition catalog.
2) Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning. English translation: Ilse Lasch, Beacon Press, 2006.

—Extract from  Miho Ohtsubo: Black Milk –The Northern Lights, This World’s Indomitable Poem (Exh. Cat.), Kichijoji Art Museum, 2024 ,p.51 (Translated by Taeko Nanpei)


Please refer to the following social media pages and CV.




《海界》 2008年 こより、布玉 サイズ可変 高知県香美市立美術館 撮影:上杉敬
Unasaka 2008 paper string, cloth ball Size variable, Kami City Art Museum, Kochi Photo by UESUGI Kei



《Silent Voice》 2008年 シルクスクリーン、布玉 194 × 810cm 高知県香美市立美術館 撮影:上杉敬 
Silent Voice,  2008 silk screen, cloth ball 194 × 810cm Kami City Art Museum, Kochi Photo by UESUGI Kei 



《黒いミルク —北極光・この世界の不屈の詩—》 2024年 こより、鉛、古布、古着 サイズ可変 武蔵野市立吉祥寺美術館 撮影:山上洋平
Black Milk — The Northern Lights, This World’s Indomitable Poem —, 2024 paper string, lead, old cloth, used cloth Size variable, Kichijoji Art Museum Photo by YAMAKAMI Youhei



《家族の記憶》 2024年 布玉、有刺鉄線、椅子、パネル、蜜ろう、ニュースペーパー サイズ可変 アトリエ・K  

Family Memory, 2024 cloth ball, Barbed wire, chairs, panel, beeswax, newspaper Size variable ATELIER・K ART SPACE,   Photo by OHTSUBO Miho