山城知佳子 YAMASHIRO Chikako

《チンビン・ウェスタン家族の表象》 2019年 ヴィデオ、32分00 秒
ChinbinWestern – Representation of the Family, 2019, video, 32’00”
Chinbin Western – Representation of the Family, 2019 ⓒ Chikako Yamashiro, Courtesy of Yumiko Chiba Associates



1976年沖縄県生まれ 同地に在住、活動。





Born in Okinawa, Japan, 1976. Lives and Works in Okinawa.

Exploring marginalized voice, body and soul in East Asia region, my works have addressed the subject of identity, border between life and death and metabolism of historical memory. The geo-political situation and history of Okinawa, where I was born and raised, have given strong motivation and parameters in my artistic practice.

I have attempted to deliver overheard/looked voices and body of oppressed people and soul and to find the way of reconciliation between nature and human, and Self and the Other through my poetic image and narrative.

I have used photography and video for works using my body and other people’s bodies because I believe that they can fuse the border between reality and imagination as well as generate multiple meanings between the image and the audience. Experimenting different film making techniques, such as recycling of found footages, employing voice performance and using multi-channel screens, I continuously challenge to develop potential of moving image and its performability.



Please refer to the artist’s website for new updates.



《土の人》 2016年版 3面ハイヴィジョン・ヴィデオ・インスタレーション、23分00秒
Mud Man, 2016, 3-channel high-definition video installation, 23’00”
in cooperation with Aichi Triennale 2016
Mud Man, 2016 in cooperation with Aichi Triennale 2016 ⓒ Chikako Yamashiro, Courtesy of Yumiko Chiba Associates



《創造の発端―アブダクション/子供-》 2015年 ヴィデオ、18分00 秒
The Beginning of Creation, Abduction / A child, 2015, video, 18’00”
The Beginning of Creation, Abduction / A child, 2015 ⓒ Chikako Yamashiro, Courtesy of Yumiko Chiba Associates



《沈む声、紅い息》 2010年 ヴィデオ、5分55秒
Sinking Voices, Red Breath, 2010, video, 5’55”
Sinking Voices, Red Breath, 2010 ⓒ Chikako Yamashiro, Courtesy of Yumiko Chiba Associates