阪田清子 SAKATA Kiyoko

《ゆきかよう舟》 2016年、インスタレーション サイズ可変
Oscillating Vessels   2016,  Installation   Size variable



1972年新潟県生まれ 沖縄県在住、活動。



Born in Niigata, Japan, 1972. Lives and works in Okinawa, Japan.

Materials of her works often come from household necessities such as furniture and tableware and natural objects such as plants and salt. With the friction between Japan and Okinawa that she feels in her own exploration as a starting point of her images, she has released installation works and video works on the themes of memory, boundary, community while conducting researches on their historical and social backgrounds. Recently, she has published works that investigate relationships among neighboring countries over the issue of the Sea of Japan / the East Sea.


Please refer to the artist’s website for new updates.



《対岸について》 2016年、映像 20分
About Opposite Shores  2016, Video, 20 min


《Hair brush》 2014年、ミクストメディア

Hair brush  2014, mixed media


《止まったカーテン》 2010年、インスタレーション
Stopped curtain    2010, Installation