三田村光土里 MITAMURA Midori
芸術祭「アッセンブリッジ・ナゴヤ2020」公開制作《Till We Meet Again-また会うためにわたしはつくろう-》
2020年 インスタレーション 30㎡ 撮影:三田村光土里
Till We Meet Again – I keep creating to meet you again-, Open Studio Show at Art Festival Assembridge Nagoya 2020, Installation, 30㎡ Photo by MITAMURA Midori
近年はライフワークとして、滞在制作プロジェクト『Art & Breakfast』を国内外で展開し、各地に滞在しながら、その土地で集めた物を材料にインスタレーションを公開制作している。生活することで場所に自身をチューニングし、浮かび上がるテーマを元に、個人と世界との関わりや気づきをインスタレーションに演じさせる。また、公開制作の会期中、来場者を朝食に招き、個人的なコミュニケーションの場を展示空間に機能させている。
Born in 1964, Aichi, Japan. Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. Active nationally and internationally.
Mitamura Midori has exhibited spatial artworks in various parts of the world. In her works, Mitamura likens her personal memories and experiences to stories. Through fieldwork, she collects materials such as photos, images, music, snippets of language and found objects. She combines those materials to construct her installation, which reflect the intricately intertwined consciousness of individuals. She describes this as “a personal drama into which people can venture.” Her artworks metaphorically visualize the traces of awkward and endearing emotions that everyone possesses in daily life. This is aimed at causing a specific sensation for the viewers: to capture the weaknesses and sentiments of other people as if they were their own.
In recent years, Mitamura has embarked on the residence-based, site-specific project series Art & Breakfast as her lifework, which she has developed worldwide. In each location she visits, she lives there for a certain period of time, during which she maintains an open studio to show her in-process installation, utilizing materials she has collected in that area. She adapts herself to the locale by living in one place, through which a specific theme for her installation surfaces. Based on that theme, her installation presents the relationships between an individual and the outside world, and the local matters she has become aware of. In addition, during the work-in-progress project, she invites visitors to breakfast, while also turning the personal site of communication into an operational exhibition space.
(Translated by NANPEI Taeko)
Please refer to the artist’s website or social media pages for new updates.
《ここにいないなら、どこかにいる》2018年 インスタレーション サイズ可変
ガレリア・マニュエル・オヘダ(ラス・パルマス・デ・グラン・カナリア、スペイン) 撮影:三田村光土里
If not here, I’m somewhere else., 2018, Size variable
Installation view at the Galeria Manuel Ojeda, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Photo by MITAMURA Midori
《アート&ブレックファスト グラン・カナリア》2017年 インスタレーション サイズ可変 CAAM アトランティック・センター・オブ・モダンアート(スペイン) 撮影:三田村光土里
Art & Breakfast Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2017, Size variable
Installation view at the CAAM – Atlantic Center of Modern Art, Spain Photo by MITAMURA Midori