小林エリカ KOBAYASHI Erika
《彼女たちは待っていた》「話しているのは誰? 現代美術に潜む文学」展 国立新美術館 展示風景 2019年 《U234とU235 キールにて》と《わたしの手の中のプロメテウスの火》撮影:中川周
Installation: She Waited (Works: U234 and U235 at Kiel, and In My Hand— The Fire of Prometheus), Image Narratives: Literature in Japanese Contemporary Art, The National Art Center, Tokyo, 2019.
Photo by NAKAGAWA Shu.
近年の主な展覧会は個展に「最後の挨拶 His Last Bow」(2019年、Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix、ロンドン)、「野鳥の森 1F」(2019年、Yutaka Kikutake Gallery、東京)、「トリニティ」(2017年、軽井沢ニューアートミュージアム、長野)、他。グループ展に「話しているのは誰? 現代美術に潜む文学」(2019年、国立新美術館、東京)、「更級日記考―女性たちの、想像の部屋」(2019年、市原湖畔美術館、千葉)、「六本木クロッシング2016: 僕の身体、あなたの声」(2016年、森美術館、東京)、「The Radiants」(2015年、Bortolami Gallery、ニューヨーク)、他。
Born in 1978 in Tokyo. In 2007 – 2008 she was invited to New York as an Asian Cultural Council Fellow. She currently lives and works in Tokyo.
While receiving high acclaim for her publications as a writer and comic artist, Kobayashi has continued to produce an eclectic array of works encompassing various mediums from drawing to silkscreen, photography, mirrors, light, and sound. Conducting multi-faceted research into nuclear energy from prior to the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, she engages in creating works that are grounded by their highly informative nature and rich sense of poetry, also overlaying her personal family history into the context of her practice.
In 2014 she was nominated for the 27th Mishima Yukio Award and the 151st Akutagawa Award for her novel, Madame Curie to choshoku wo (Breakfast with Madame Curie), published by Sueisha. In parallel, she has presented installation works both in Japan and overseas, which enable viewers to re-experience various scenes in which the elements of fiction and documentary from her writings drift back and forth between personal narrative and social reality.
Her other publications include the novel Trinity, Trinity, Trinity, the collection of short stories She Looks into the Mirror, the nonfictional work Shin’ai naru Kitty tachi e (Your Dear Kitty), inspired by the diaries of Anne Frank and based on the diary of Kobayashi father, the graphic novel Hikari no kodomo 1.2.3 LUMINOUS (Children of Light: Luminous), which traces the history of the atom and radiation, and a book of her recent writings, drawings, and comics, Wasurerarenai Mono (I Can’t Forget).
Kobayashi’s recent solo exhibitions include His Last Bow, Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London (2019); 1F in the Forest of Wild Birds, Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo (2019); and Trinity, Karuizawa New Art Museum, Nagano (2017). Group exhibitions include Image Narratives: Literature in Japanese Contemporary Art, The National Art Center, Tokyo (2019); Women Imagining Rooms: About the Diary of Lady Sarashina, Ichihara Lakeside Museum, Chiba (2019); Roppongi Crossing 2016: My Body, Your Voice, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo (2016); and The Radiants, Bortolami Gallery, New York (2015).
Courtesy of Yutaka Kikutake Gallery
Please refer to the artist’s website and social medias for new updates.

《わたしのトーチ》2019年 Cプリント 54.9×36.7cm(各、47点組)、撮影:野川かさね
My Torch, 2019, C-print, 54.9×36.7cm (each; set of 47), Photo by NOGAWA Kasane.
《彼女たちは待っていた》「話しているのは誰? 現代美術に潜む文学」展 国立新美術館 展示風景 2019年
《彼女たち》と《光は西方から》 撮影:中川周
Installation:She waited (Works:Ex Occidente Lux and Her), Image Narratives: Literature in Japanese Contemporary Art, The National Art Center, Tokyo, 2019, Photo by NAKAGAWA Shu.
《わたしの手の中のプロメテウスの火》 2019年 Cプリント 43.2cmx35.6cm (各、3点組) 撮影:野川かさね
In My Hand— The Fire of Prometheus, 2019, C-print, 43.2cmx35.6cm (each; set of 3), Photo by NOGAWA Kasane.
《親愛なるキティーたちへ》「更級日記考―女性たちの、想像の部屋」展 市原湖畔美術館 展示風景 2019年
《二冊の日記たち(アンネ・フランクの日記 1942-1944, 私の父の日記 1945-1946)》 撮影:大矢真梨子
Installation: Your Dear Kitty, Works: 2 Diaries (Anne Frank’s Diary 1942-1944, My Father’s Diary 1945-1946), Women Imagining Rooms: About the Diary of Lady Sarashina, Ichihara Lakeside Museum, 2019. Photo by OHYA Mariko.
《私はアンネ・フランクのポートレートを描く》2009年、21.6×27.9cm コットンペーパー、鉛筆
I draw a portrait of Anne Frank, 2009, 21.6×27.9cm, cotton paper, pencil.
Children of Light: Luminous, 2013, comic book, published by Little more Co., Ltd.
All photos credit:KOBAYASHI Erika, Courtesy of Yutaka Kikutake Gallery