金玉善 KIM Oksun
《ヒロヨとマイケル2》〈ハッピー・トゥゲザー〉より 2004年 発色現像方式印画 96×114 cm
Happy Together_Hiroyo and Michael 2, 2004, Chromogenic print, 96×114 cm
KIM Oksun
「済州島における異文化について─キム・オクソン(金玉善)」 笠原美智子
笠原美智子「愛について アジアン・コンテンポラリー」より一部抜粋、「愛について アジアン・コンテンポラリー」展図録、東京都写真美術館、2018年
Born in Seoul, Korea, 1967.
Lives on Jeju-Island in Korea and works in Seoul and worldwide.
Regarding Foreign Cultures on Jeju Island—Kim Oksun KASAHARA Michiko
For Kim Oksun, encounters with foreign cultures are a common occurrence. Her daily experiences are reflected directly in what has become her breakthrough work, Happy Together (2002–2005). The subject of her photographs is mixed couples, consisting of a Western man and Asian woman, and as we can tell from the titles, the women originate from Korea, Japan, China, etc. Some of the couples consist of gays or lesbians and also some Asian or Caucasian couples appear among them. [……] Using a large-format 4×5 camera and a minutely calculated composition, she captures her subjects in the moment when their expressions cease to be formal. [……] Each photograph is filled with hints of the long drama they contain and in them there can be found no simple yes or no answer to question posed by Kim Oksun, ‘Are you happy together?’ [……] The marriages portrayed in Kim Oksun’s photographs depict the confrontation of two individuals, and therefore each possesses different implications. [……]
Of course, among the white men in Kim Oksun’s photographs there may be those who believed the fantasy of the ‘subservient Asian woman’ when they married. The Korean men who married Southeast Asian women probably soon discovered that women who are totally subservient to men are rapidly becoming an endangered species. For a woman to marry a foreigner or to be gay immediately indicates a deviation from the norms of a society that strives to preserve traditional values. The strength of the gazes of the women who appear in Kim Oksun’s photographs demonstrate a resolution to stand up to all the difficulties they can expect to face.
She continues to work on themes of conflict/harmony between different cultures and identity in her series of portraits of foreigners living on Jeju Island, No Direction Home (2009–2011) and her series on plants that were introduced to Jeju Island and flourished there, The Shining Things (2011). [……]
Kim Oksun’s No Direction Home series comes from the lyrics of Bob Dylan’s ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ and is used to describe the people who live in Jeju. However, in the expressions of the people depicted by Kim Oksun we see neither optimistic smiles nor a pessimistic unease, instead they appear to confront reality steadfastly. [……]
The Shining Things show the non-native vegetations on Jeju Island and the tangled and twisted arbors symbolize the strangers who are survived from different surroundings. Whichever the case, no matter what their motives, negative or positive, they have made a conscious decision to live in foreign environment. They accept the insecurity and risks they confront through living in a different culture and the difficulties of having to relativize themselves, while simultaneously accepting their freedom.
Text by KASAHARA Michiko, Extract from“I know something about love, asian contemporary photography”, I know something about love, asian contemporary photography (exh.cat.),Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2018 (Translated by Gavin FREW)
Please refer to the artist’s website for new updates.

《リーラと友だち》〈ノー・ディレクション・ホーム〉より 2010年 発色現像方式印画 120×150 cm
No Direction Home_Leela and her friends, 2010, Chromogenic print, 120×150cm
《無題》〈輝くもの(済州島)〉より 2013年 発色現像方式印画 100×80 cm
The Shining Things(Jeju Island)_Untitled_wolpyung142, 2013, Chromogenic print, 100×80cm
All photos credit : KIM Oksun