ひととひと HITO to HITO
運営メンバー | 工藤春香、神谷絢栄、ジン・
2017年 内田百合香の呼びかけで工藤春香、神谷絢栄、高橋ひかり、ジン・
2019年9月 公開勉強会with meeting #1「性犯罪の刑法のこれからを考えよう」開催。ゲストに上谷さくら氏(弁護士)を招き現在の性犯罪の刑法の問題点について参加者とともに意見交換を行う。
2019年10月 公開勉強会with meeting #2 「ジェンダーとアート、表現の自由について」開催。ゲストに嶋田美子氏(アーティスト)を招き、氏の作品解説、あいちトリエンナーレでのことなどについて参加者とともに意見交換を行う。
2020年4月 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大のため、gallery TOWEDにて開催予定だった展覧会「女が5人集まれば皿が割れる」を延期。
2021年5月 展覧会「女が5人集まれば皿が割れる」を北千住BUoYにて開催。
会期中にオンライン公開勉強会with meeting #3「歴史の中の女性コレクティブージェンダー論争・バックラッシュ・それぞれの山の登り方について」、with meeting #4「何がそうさせるのか?ー動く韓国社会運動、動かない日本」を開催。ゲストはそれぞれ吉良智子氏(美術史)、梁・永山聡子氏(社会学)。ゲスト、参加者とともに意見交換を行う。
Hito to Hito
“Hito to Hito” is a collective consisting of artists and researchers. “Hito to Hito” conducts research and gives presentations on social structures that enable sex crimes, the gender gap in art history, as well as the art industry in both Japan and abroad. “Chatting” amongst members about day-to-day activities and concerns lies at the heart of the collective. The social issues and problems concerning awareness that arise from said “chat” are then incorporated into the collective’s activities.
Members | KUDO Haruka, KAMIYA Ayae, JIN Yeowool, TAKAHASHI Hikari
In 2017, KUDO Haruka, KAMIYA Ayae, TAKAHASHI Hikari, and JIN Yeowool formed “Hito to Hito” at the request of UCHIDA Yurika (UCHIDA Yurika left the collective in March 2020). We host tea parties and study sessions irregularly.
In September of 2019, a public study session, With Meeting # 1 – “Thinking About the Future of Sex Crime Laws”, was held.
Along with invited guest KAMITANI Sakura (lawyer), we conversed and exchanged opinions on problems related to current sex crime laws.
In October of 2019, a public study session, With Meeting # 2 – “Gender and Art and Freedom of Expression”, was held. With invited guest SHIMADA Yoshiko (artist), conversations and discussions were had about her artworks, as well as things related to Aichi Triennale 2019.
In April of 2020, the exhibition “If 5 Women Gather, The Plate Will Break” was to be held at gallery TOWED but was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In May of 2021, the exhibition “If 5 Women Gather, The Plate Will Break” was held at BUoY in Kitasenju.
During the exhibition, online public study sessions: With Meeting # 3 – “Women’s Collective in History—-Gender Controversies/Backlash/Methods of Overcoming Adversities on the Individual Level” and With Meeting # 4 – “What Makes It So? – The Forward Moving South Korean Social Movement, or The Non-Moving Japan” were held. With invited guests KIRA Tomoko(art historian), YANG Chonja and NAGAYAMA Satoko(sociologist), we were able to exchange opinions and converse.
Please refer to the collective’s website and social media pages for new updates.
公開勉強会 with meeting #1「性犯罪の刑法のこれからを考えよう」勉強会風景、2019年
A public study session, With Meeting # 1 – “Thinking About the Future of Sex Crime Laws”, 2019
公開勉強会 with meeting #2 「ジェンダーとアート、表現の自由について」勉強会風景、2019年
A public study session 2019, With Meeting # 2 – “Gender and Art and Freedom of Expression”, 2019
「女が5人集まれば皿が割れる」 展覧会風景 北千住BUoY 2021 撮影:工藤真衣子
The exhibition “If 5 Women Gather, The Plate Will Break” , BUoY in Kitasenju, 2021, Photo by KUDO Maiko