English Version follows the Japanese.



② 現状分析と将来の展望


研究代表者:小勝禮子(京都芸術大学芸術学部 非常勤講師)   researchmap

研究分担者:北原恵(大阪大学文学研究科 教授) researchmapArt Activism: Visual Culture / Gender Studies

研究分担者:金惠信(沖縄県立芸術大学美術工芸学部 准教授)

研究協力者:由本みどり(ニュージャージー・シティ大学  准教授/ギャラリー・ディレクター)njcu.academia.edu/

本サイトは、JSPS科研費「アジアの女性美術家のライフコースに見る芸術実践について」基盤研究(C)(研究期間2020-2024年度) (研究課題/領域番号20K12475) により、更新・運営しています。

研究代表者:小勝禮子(京都芸術大学芸術学部 非常勤講師)   researchmap

研究分担者:金惠信(沖縄県立芸術大学美術工芸学部 客員教授)

研究分担者:川浪千鶴(京都芸術大学芸術学部 非常勤講師)


研究代表者:小勝禮子(京都芸術大学芸術学部 非常勤講師) researchmap

研究分担者:吉良智子(日本女子大学家政学部 研究員)researchmap

研究分担者:川浪千鶴(京都芸術大学芸術学部 非常勤講師)


① アーティストの活動の発信

② 研究者の活動の発信



About this Website

The purpose of this website is to recapture art in Asian countries during modern and contemporary periods from the perspective of gender. Our focus is on artistic expressions that derived from the encountering of three interrelated factors: Asia, women and history. Our aim is to liberate art history from the traditional, androcentric writings of the past and to rewrite it with the inclusion of women artists. Kokatsu Reiko, who manages this website, outlines the research objectives as follows:

1.Historical Consideration
By focusing on the period after World War II up through today, we will trace and provide concrete examples of artistic expressions by women artists during the conflicts involving the independence of Asian countries, and within the changes of those nations’ social systems. In addition, we will also trace and provide examples of transitions in the artistic activities of women artists, which have occurred over each individual life-course of the women placed in marginal positions in society and the art world.

2.Current-Situation Analysis and Future Prospect
While the labor-force participation rate of Japanese women today shows an M-shaped curve, the rate of women artists in their forties and above does not show the same evident rise found in other occupations. We will trace the reason behind this via making individual analyses of women artists in Japan and in other parts of Asia. Through this process, we will show concrete examples of social environments and awareness that can promote the accomplishments of the future-generation women artists. In this way, we can actualize a society where women artists are not hindered from taking a more active role in the art world.

This website was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17K02096: “Study of the Historical and Regional Borderlines in the East Asian Women Artists.” The Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (research period: fiscal years 2017 – 2020).

Principal Investigator: Kokatsu Reiko (Lecturer, Kyoto University of the Arts)   researchmap

Co-investigator : Kitahara Megumi (Professor, Osaka University, Graduate School of Letters)    researchmap   |  “Art Activism: Visual Culture / Gender Studies

Co-investigator : Kim Hyeshin (Associate Professor, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Crafts)

Research Collaborator : Yoshimoto Midori (Associate professor of art history and gallery director , New Jersey City University)  njcu.academia.edu/

This website is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP20K12475: “On the Artistic Activities Seen in the Life Courses of Women Artists in Asia.” The Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (research period: fiscal years 2020 – 2024).

Principal Investigator: Kokatsu Reiko (Lecturer, Kyoto University of the Arts)   researchmap

Co-investigator : Kim Hyeshin (Professor, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Crafts)

Co-investigator : Kawanami Chizuru (Lecturer, Kyoto University of the Arts)   

This website is supported by  JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP24K15588: “On the Continuity as Asian Women Artists: Society, Region, History and Family” .The Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (research period: fiscal years 2024 – 2026).

Principal Investigator: Kokatsu Reiko (Lecturer, Kyoto University of the Arts)  researchmap

Co-investigator : Kira Tomoko (Researcher, Japan Women’s University) researchmap

Co-investigator : Kawanami Chizuru (Lecturer, Kyoto University of the Arts)   

Our Online Activities

1.Dispatch information on the activities of artists
Our aim is for this site to function as the primary database of Asian women artists, through widely interacting with them and by providing links to their individual websites.

2.Dispatch information on the activities of researchers
Aside from Kokatsu’s own activities, including her essays, lectures and participation in symposiums, we will also update information on the News page such events as the lectures and seminars of other researchers that are associated with our themes. In addition, with the assistance of researchers who share the same goals, we will upload new essays written by Kokatsu and other collaborators on the Project page. The selected references on “art and gender” are listed on the Bibliography page, which will be updated as needed.

Via dispatching information on the activities mentioned above, our aim is to draw attention to the significance of artworks by women artists who have been in marginal positions, as well as to the state of affairs in which their works tended to be ignored. Through this process, we hope to further deepen our investigative research on the social positions and historical transformation of women artists in Asian countries beyond the boundaries of Japan.