金仁淑 KIM Insook

《サイエソ:はざまから、息子と私》 2008年 クロモジェニックプリント 118x150cm
Son and I  from the series of SAIESEO: between two Koreas and Japan, 2008, Chromogenic print,  118x150cm


KIM Insook


金仁淑は森美術館の「ゴー・ビトゥイーンズ」展や大邱フォトビエンナーレ他、多くの国際展に選出されている今注目のアーティストである。在日コリアン3世として大阪で生まれ育ち、成人した後、韓国のソウルに住んで日本と韓国、またドイツを行き来して10年以上になる。異なる価値観や文化をいかに自分の中に内包し、いかに他者と共生していくか、それは現代人の最も重要な課題だろう。「在日」という立場はいやが応にもそうした問題を自覚せざるを得ない。金仁淑は時間をかけて被写体と向き合い、彼らとの共同作業を通じて、日常生活を丁寧に写しながら、そこにまといつく社会的な意味までも写し取る。「多様性と普遍性」は彼女の作品に通底するテーマである。朝鮮学校の生活を主題にした《sweet hours》や在日の人々のポートレイト《SAIESEO : はざまから》、ソウルの倉洞地区の住民と小学生100人が共同して「学校の記憶」をテーマにした《Continuous Way : 少年から少年たちへ》などなど、重いテーマにもかかわらず軽やかな展開が楽しめる作品になっている。

笠原美智子『美術の窓』2015年5月号、生活の友社、「評論家・ジャーナリストが選ぶ 注目の新人」P.43 


Born in Osaka, Japan, 1978. Lives and works in Tokyo and in Seoul, Korea.

Kim Insook is an artist in the limelight. She has been selected for many international exhibitions, including Go-Betweens, held at the Mori Art Museum, and Daegu Photo Biennale in Korea. She was born and raised in Osaka as a third-generation “Zainichi” Korean (resident of Japan). After reaching adulthood, she moved to Seoul. For over a decade she has been living and working in South Korea, Japan and Germany. For us today, the most important issue is how we can internalize different senses of values and cultures, while also living in harmony with others. Being a Zainichi Korean in Japan, Insook inevitably became conscious of such an issue. She takes her time to communicate with the photographic subjects of people. Via collaboratively working with those people, she sincerely photographs their everyday lives, while also capturing the social connotations that constantly cling to their lives. The theme underlying her works is “diversity and universality.” Regardless of the gravity of this theme, her works are created in a way in which the viewers are able to enjoy their casual developments. Some examples of her series are: sweet hours, with the theme of a life in a Korean school; SAIESEO: Between Two Koreas and Japan, which consists of portraits of Zainichi Koreans; and one based on the “memories of the school,” Continuous Way:  For the latter, she collaboratively created with the residents and a hundred primary school children in the Chang Dong district of Seoul.

KASAHARA Michiko, “New Artists in the Limelight Selected by Art Critics/Journalists,” Bijutsu no Mado (The Window of Arts), May 2015 issue, Seikatsu no Tomosha, p. 43. (Translated by NANPEI Taeko)


1978년 일본 오사카 출생. 현재 도쿄와 서울을 거점으로 활동중.

김인숙은 모리미술관의 <Go-Betweens>전, 대구사진비엔날레 등 다수의 국제전에 선출된 현재 주목 받는 아티스트이다. 재일코리안 3세로 오사카에서 태어나고 자랐으며, 성인이 된 후 서울에 거주하면서 한국과 일본, 독일을 오가는 생활은 10년을 넘었다. 서로 다른 가치관과 문화를 자신 속으로 어떻게 내포하며, 어떻게 타자와 공생할 것 인가. 이것은 현대인들에게 가장 중요한 과제일 것이다. “자이니치(재일교포)”라는 입장은 이러한 문제들을 늘 자각할 수밖에 없다. 김인숙은 오랜 시간을 들이고 피사체와 마주보며, 그들과의 공동작업을 통하여 일상생활을 신중하게 촬영하면서 그들을 둘러싼 사회적 의미까지도 담아낸다. <다양성과 보편성>은 그녀의 작품들을 아우르는 주제이다. 일본 조선학교의 생활을 주제로 한 <sweet hours>, 자이니치(재일)의 가족 포트레이트 시리즈 <사이에서>, “학교의 기억”을 주제로 서울 창동지구의 주민들, 서울신창초등학교 학생들 100명과 공동작업을 한 프로젝트 <Continuous Way: 소년들이 소년들에게> 등 무거운 주제에도 불구하고 발랄하고 경쾌한 전개를 즐길 수 있는 작품들이다.

KASAHARA Mihiko (ARTIZON MUSEUM 부관장)<BIJYUTSU NO MADO(미술의 창)> 2015년5월호, ‘평론가, 저널리스트가 뽑은 주목하는 신진작가’



Please refer to the artist’s website for new updates.





《リアルウェディング》2020年 BUoY 展覧会  インスタレーション風景
《リアルウェディング、Actors#2》2010年 クロモジェニックプリント 118x160cm
《リアルウェディング》2016年 HD ヴィデオ 18分18秒

The Real Wedding Ceremony, 2020, BUoY, Japan, Installation view
Actors#2  from the series of The Real Wedding Ceremony, Chromogenic print, 118x160cm
The Real Wedding Ceremony, 2016, HD Video, 18min.18sec.



《Chaeck-Bo graphy 2013》、「Continuous Way:少年から少年たちへ」シリーズより 2013年 インクジェットプリント サイズ可変
ChaeckBo-graphy 2013 from the series of Continuous Way, 2013, Inkjet print, size variable 


《Between Breads and Noodles》2014年 Atelier am Eck  ドイツ   6か国 40種 2000個のアジアンヌードルのインスタレーションとパフォーマンス
Between Breads and Noodles, 2014, Atelier am Eck, Germany, Installation of 2,000 noodles from Six Asian countries and Performance